Wednesday, December 9, 2015


It helps because it is fast and crazy and gives you a sense of panic and, to me, makes me feel like you are right next to the person in the water or on the boat during the attacks.

They use it silence and natural sound very well. Like when they are throwing chum off the boat and it is just them talking and you can hear the chum hitting the water and there is no music. Then Bruce rises from the water, also the first time you see him, and the music starts and scares the crap out of you

The attacks are cut in a discontinuous style and also they very end part when he blows up Bruce it is a discontinuous style.

The music helps the film a lot! It adds so much suspense! Like the opening of the film with the girl swimming alone. The camera rising from the bottom of the ocean rising to her feet, that famous score kicks in and just sends chills down your spine.

I think this film would still do well if it were released in today's box office.

I think this film is scary because it really taps into a fear that almost everyone has or that at least crosses their mind. When I first saw this movie I was scared to go near any water source! I think Spielberg achieved this mainly with not showing the shark, which was due to mechanical issues, and I really think the score had a lot to do with the suspense.

Dances with Wolves

I would say it was a Western-Drama Epic. It has Indians, Shows people at their highest and lowest and it has the super wide open landscapes and shots like an epic would have. Also a ton of extras.

I really think the music helped push the story forward and really gave even deeper emotion into the story.
1. During the buffalo hunt, the music really helped with the excitement.
2. When Dances with Wolves and Stands with a fist hookup that also gave emotion into the scene.
3. When Dances with Wolves is captured by the soldiers and the Sioux come rescue him in the river. The music really gave you a sense of excitement and it helped show that he is accepted into their group.

The music paralleled the sound when certain events would happen. Like when something shocking would happen they would make the sound effect volume go very high up and also make the music really loud during that part.

I thought the acting was very good. I especially liked Kicking Bird and Wind in His Hair. I thought that they both did a phenomenal job!

I though the directing was very good. Especially since this was Kevin Costner's directorial debut!

The music was absolutely incredible! It can be making you cheer, to super angry and then bring you to the verge of tears. Absolutely amazing.

I really enjoyed this film. This was my first time viewing of it and I already wish I could go back and watch it for the first time again! I think this film won the Oscar because it was really a different take on western film. Most of the westerns show the Natives as being "Thieves and beggars" and this shed a whole new light on what they probably went through!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Chariots of Fire


  • I think the actors were cast for their roles because they looked sporty and could really run.
  • I do think they actors looked like their roles.
  • Yes the actors do show the proper actions, thoughts and complexities.
  • The actors really had to use good body language. When they were running their facial expressions, while funny, were still really well done. It helped very much with verisimilitude.
  • I would say yes, they did make me forget that they were acting. I think what really helped was the wardrobe. That really helped put me into the time frame.

  • I think that the editing did really well with manipulation of time. At times the movie seemed slow but, it was meant to feel that way. Like when they were prepping their racing spots, it went into slow motion and it felt really long but they did that to help build tension and it really worked!
Camera Movement: The camera work was well done. I really enjoyed the tracking shots like when they were in that party and it followed them throughout the room.

Theme: Anyone can do anything if they work hard enough no matter what people say or do against them.


  • The music to me was... interesting. I think it's a really great score and at times it worked. At certain parts though it was distracting and made me chuckle because it just didn't fit right. 
I think this film won the Oscar because of some crazy stuff was happening in the world with religion and politics and I think it was a good time to release it and give strength to those who needed it becuase they were facing problems similar.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Godfather

The use of color was very well done. The movie had a very dark color scheme.

The shots were framed very well. Most of the time the characters were in the "sweet spots" where the lines intersected and in parts that involved violence the person that was in control was on the left.

The use of shadow is fantastic! It makes Don Corleone look so menacing and a force to be reckoned with. The shadows worked really well in the opening scene where they were talking in the study. I think it was a lot darker in their because that is where Don Corleone does most of his evil. Then on the outside at the wedding, everything is bright and fun.

The camera was mostly stationary.

The extreme close up was used during scenes on both intense and not a lot of intensity. Like the close ups on Don Corleone in his study really showed the shadows and his facial expressions. Then when Michael guns down the Turk and the Police Captain it shows all of his anger and revenge for his father.

This film is important because it shed new light on to the Mafia. It really opened the public's eye. I think it was successful because of how engaged you got with the story. When Sonny was beating up his sister's husband you felt like you wanted to cheer him on. Or when Michael killed the Turk and the Police Captain, you were in shock but at the same time you were like "That was really awesome!"

The external goal is becoming the new Mafia Don and rising up to power.

The internal goal is payback for trying to kill their father and making the Corleone name great again.

The theme for the Godfather is, blood is thicker than water.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Diegetic Sound- Rocky talking, The boxing gloves hitting their faces

Non- Diegetic Sound- Score

Off screen sound- Chatter in the background on the street

The theme is not to be a loser anymore. He wants to make a name for himself.

I think the film did so well because boxing was really popular at the time. You had Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran! Also the Cold War was ongoing and I think people sometimes felt like America was the underdog and they needed something to show them that the underdog can take on anyone!

1. He LOVES animals
2. He talks to the, in my opinion, the ugly pet store girl. Adrian
3. He shows mercy on people that he is loan sharking.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

1. I think it did so well becuase, one, it had a very all-star cast. Another reason I think people loved it was all of the technological advances going on in 1969. I mean we were landing on the moon! I think they wanted to remind people what our lives were once like.

2. I think one of the most important of the implicit meaning is dreaming. They have a dream of going to Bolivia and then going straight and then heading to Australia.

3. They used montage by showing a passage of time and the trio traveling across America and into Bolivia.

4a. The writing in it feels very realistic. Like they would actually say those things.

4b. The music sounded modern, 1969, but still fit in very well the the genre and setting.

5. A protagonist that lacks hero qualities ex: Batman, Deadpool, Goodfellas

5a. They're charismatic, funny and they don't hurt innocent citizens.

6. To me, it says that you always stay with your friends no matter how crazy their ideas may be.

7. I would say a western, crime-drame. Western: Wide- Open landscapes, gunfights. Drama: Realistic Characters, people at their best and worst. Crime: Anti- Heroes, Morality tales.

8. I  would say yes. It still speaks to modern audiences about friendship  and loyalty. I also think that people love crime films. They can escape their reality for and hour and a half- two hours and see these gunslingers fight the law and then go back to their "normal" lives.

9.Overall I really enjoyed the film and was telling my family how good it was and that we should all watch it together sometime.

Singin' in the Rain

Opening Image- Hollywood, Chinese Theater, Red Carpet, All the actors.

Catalyst- The Jazz Singer and the want for talking pictures

Midpoint- their new "talkie" is a huge flop in the preview

All is  Lost- Lena is forcing Cathy and R.F. to keep singing and voice-dubbing for her.

Finale- When Lena ''sings'' they pull back the curtain and reveal that it was Cathy singing and voicing in the film.

Characteristics- music/score used that will move the plot forward, and a lot of singing.

I really enjoy this film. I only like a few musicals but this is probably my favorite. Just something about it really sticks out to me. I love Gene Kelly and the humor is really good.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Amazing Grace

Opening Image- In England 1797, rich ,well known, gives speeches in London.

Theme- Changing the world.

Set Up- Wilbur wants to end the slave trade in Great Britain.

Catalyst- The dinner with all the people.

Debate- He debates whether or not he should help them or not.

Break into 2- He decides to help them.

B Plot- His romantic relationship with Barbara.

Fun and Games- All the attempts the group has made.

Midpoint- Parliament agrees that the slave trade should be abolished, but overtime.

All hope is lost- Their cause begins to fall apart.

Dark Knight of the Soul- He debates if he should return to London or not.

Break into 3- He returns to London.

Finale- Parliament votes to abolish the slave trade.

Final Image- He accomplished his goal and it tells you of his other achievements.

Save the Cat- Wilbur cares for life, He also gave money to the homeless man.

Set Up and Pay off- The inside joke with Barbara, His voice returns at his wedding, the man speaking and then they bring in evidence that says slaves don't like the West Indies.

Deus Ex Machina- Fox buys Parliament tickets to the horse race so no one can vote on their bill.

Overall I really enjoyed the film. I thought the acting was good, and I really enjoyed the story. I originally thought that I wouldn't enjoy the movie, but by the end I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. I also liked how they showed the rest of Wilbur's accomplishments, not just his one on the slave trade.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Batman Begins

Opening Image- He's rich, we meet Rachel. In jail, he is angry, he knows how to fight, and none of the other prisoners like him.

Theme- Finding himself, becoming legend.

Set Up- Arrow Head, Pearl Necklace, The Coat.

Catalyst- His parents are killed.

Debate- He has to choose whether to become a criminal or stand up to them, show Gotham that their city doesn't belong to the criminals.

Break into 2- Bruce leaves Gotham, the world he knows. Also, Bruce returning to Gotham.

B-Story- Falcone and his drug operation, We meet Dr.Crane AKA Scarecrow, Mr. Fox and Gordon.

Fun and Games- Bruce getting all of his gadgets, building the Batcave.

Midpoint- Batman takes down Falcone

All is Lost- Bruce is trapped in the fire at Wayne Manor

Dark Knight of the Soul- Bruce questions if he is really doing good and carrying on the Wayne name.

Break into 3- Bruce realizes that his friends, Rachel and Gordon, and his family, Alfred, have not given up.

Finale- Batman stops Ra's Al Ghul and saves Gotham.

Final Image- Gordon gives Batman the Joker card, showing that the protagonist has changed.