Monday, November 30, 2015

Chariots of Fire


  • I think the actors were cast for their roles because they looked sporty and could really run.
  • I do think they actors looked like their roles.
  • Yes the actors do show the proper actions, thoughts and complexities.
  • The actors really had to use good body language. When they were running their facial expressions, while funny, were still really well done. It helped very much with verisimilitude.
  • I would say yes, they did make me forget that they were acting. I think what really helped was the wardrobe. That really helped put me into the time frame.

  • I think that the editing did really well with manipulation of time. At times the movie seemed slow but, it was meant to feel that way. Like when they were prepping their racing spots, it went into slow motion and it felt really long but they did that to help build tension and it really worked!
Camera Movement: The camera work was well done. I really enjoyed the tracking shots like when they were in that party and it followed them throughout the room.

Theme: Anyone can do anything if they work hard enough no matter what people say or do against them.


  • The music to me was... interesting. I think it's a really great score and at times it worked. At certain parts though it was distracting and made me chuckle because it just didn't fit right. 
I think this film won the Oscar because of some crazy stuff was happening in the world with religion and politics and I think it was a good time to release it and give strength to those who needed it becuase they were facing problems similar.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Godfather

The use of color was very well done. The movie had a very dark color scheme.

The shots were framed very well. Most of the time the characters were in the "sweet spots" where the lines intersected and in parts that involved violence the person that was in control was on the left.

The use of shadow is fantastic! It makes Don Corleone look so menacing and a force to be reckoned with. The shadows worked really well in the opening scene where they were talking in the study. I think it was a lot darker in their because that is where Don Corleone does most of his evil. Then on the outside at the wedding, everything is bright and fun.

The camera was mostly stationary.

The extreme close up was used during scenes on both intense and not a lot of intensity. Like the close ups on Don Corleone in his study really showed the shadows and his facial expressions. Then when Michael guns down the Turk and the Police Captain it shows all of his anger and revenge for his father.

This film is important because it shed new light on to the Mafia. It really opened the public's eye. I think it was successful because of how engaged you got with the story. When Sonny was beating up his sister's husband you felt like you wanted to cheer him on. Or when Michael killed the Turk and the Police Captain, you were in shock but at the same time you were like "That was really awesome!"

The external goal is becoming the new Mafia Don and rising up to power.

The internal goal is payback for trying to kill their father and making the Corleone name great again.

The theme for the Godfather is, blood is thicker than water.

Monday, November 16, 2015


Diegetic Sound- Rocky talking, The boxing gloves hitting their faces

Non- Diegetic Sound- Score

Off screen sound- Chatter in the background on the street

The theme is not to be a loser anymore. He wants to make a name for himself.

I think the film did so well because boxing was really popular at the time. You had Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran! Also the Cold War was ongoing and I think people sometimes felt like America was the underdog and they needed something to show them that the underdog can take on anyone!

1. He LOVES animals
2. He talks to the, in my opinion, the ugly pet store girl. Adrian
3. He shows mercy on people that he is loan sharking.