Monday, October 5, 2015

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

1. I think it did so well becuase, one, it had a very all-star cast. Another reason I think people loved it was all of the technological advances going on in 1969. I mean we were landing on the moon! I think they wanted to remind people what our lives were once like.

2. I think one of the most important of the implicit meaning is dreaming. They have a dream of going to Bolivia and then going straight and then heading to Australia.

3. They used montage by showing a passage of time and the trio traveling across America and into Bolivia.

4a. The writing in it feels very realistic. Like they would actually say those things.

4b. The music sounded modern, 1969, but still fit in very well the the genre and setting.

5. A protagonist that lacks hero qualities ex: Batman, Deadpool, Goodfellas

5a. They're charismatic, funny and they don't hurt innocent citizens.

6. To me, it says that you always stay with your friends no matter how crazy their ideas may be.

7. I would say a western, crime-drame. Western: Wide- Open landscapes, gunfights. Drama: Realistic Characters, people at their best and worst. Crime: Anti- Heroes, Morality tales.

8. I  would say yes. It still speaks to modern audiences about friendship  and loyalty. I also think that people love crime films. They can escape their reality for and hour and a half- two hours and see these gunslingers fight the law and then go back to their "normal" lives.

9.Overall I really enjoyed the film and was telling my family how good it was and that we should all watch it together sometime.

Singin' in the Rain

Opening Image- Hollywood, Chinese Theater, Red Carpet, All the actors.

Catalyst- The Jazz Singer and the want for talking pictures

Midpoint- their new "talkie" is a huge flop in the preview

All is  Lost- Lena is forcing Cathy and R.F. to keep singing and voice-dubbing for her.

Finale- When Lena ''sings'' they pull back the curtain and reveal that it was Cathy singing and voicing in the film.

Characteristics- music/score used that will move the plot forward, and a lot of singing.

I really enjoy this film. I only like a few musicals but this is probably my favorite. Just something about it really sticks out to me. I love Gene Kelly and the humor is really good.