Monday, September 14, 2015

Amazing Grace

Opening Image- In England 1797, rich ,well known, gives speeches in London.

Theme- Changing the world.

Set Up- Wilbur wants to end the slave trade in Great Britain.

Catalyst- The dinner with all the people.

Debate- He debates whether or not he should help them or not.

Break into 2- He decides to help them.

B Plot- His romantic relationship with Barbara.

Fun and Games- All the attempts the group has made.

Midpoint- Parliament agrees that the slave trade should be abolished, but overtime.

All hope is lost- Their cause begins to fall apart.

Dark Knight of the Soul- He debates if he should return to London or not.

Break into 3- He returns to London.

Finale- Parliament votes to abolish the slave trade.

Final Image- He accomplished his goal and it tells you of his other achievements.

Save the Cat- Wilbur cares for life, He also gave money to the homeless man.

Set Up and Pay off- The inside joke with Barbara, His voice returns at his wedding, the man speaking and then they bring in evidence that says slaves don't like the West Indies.

Deus Ex Machina- Fox buys Parliament tickets to the horse race so no one can vote on their bill.

Overall I really enjoyed the film. I thought the acting was good, and I really enjoyed the story. I originally thought that I wouldn't enjoy the movie, but by the end I couldn't keep my eyes off the screen. I also liked how they showed the rest of Wilbur's accomplishments, not just his one on the slave trade.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Batman Begins

Opening Image- He's rich, we meet Rachel. In jail, he is angry, he knows how to fight, and none of the other prisoners like him.

Theme- Finding himself, becoming legend.

Set Up- Arrow Head, Pearl Necklace, The Coat.

Catalyst- His parents are killed.

Debate- He has to choose whether to become a criminal or stand up to them, show Gotham that their city doesn't belong to the criminals.

Break into 2- Bruce leaves Gotham, the world he knows. Also, Bruce returning to Gotham.

B-Story- Falcone and his drug operation, We meet Dr.Crane AKA Scarecrow, Mr. Fox and Gordon.

Fun and Games- Bruce getting all of his gadgets, building the Batcave.

Midpoint- Batman takes down Falcone

All is Lost- Bruce is trapped in the fire at Wayne Manor

Dark Knight of the Soul- Bruce questions if he is really doing good and carrying on the Wayne name.

Break into 3- Bruce realizes that his friends, Rachel and Gordon, and his family, Alfred, have not given up.

Finale- Batman stops Ra's Al Ghul and saves Gotham.

Final Image- Gordon gives Batman the Joker card, showing that the protagonist has changed.